
It’s Not Just About Your Coding Skills

Programming Alone Won’t Cut It

Jeroen Ouwehand
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2023


Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

When you start as a software engineer (or developer), you might be focusing on just the code itself. In the beginning, that is fine; you should be able to understand what the code you're writing does. But as you continue to grow, it’s getting less and less about the actual coding.

Bring value

As a software engineer, your job should be mainly about creating value for the business, not just writing code. So increasing value or reducing cost is important to keep in mind, and think about how your overall work affects the business.

Avoid describing yourself as a “writer of code” because this can be associated with just “operational work”.

People might think you’re replaceable and not worth keeping around. You’re a problem solver, a strategic thinker, and a valuable asset to any organization. Don’t let the label “writer of code” limit your potential.

Be a communicator

Collaboration is crucial to get success. Focusing only on coding can limit your ability to work with others and deprive you of the chance to share ideas and learn from a diversity of perspectives. It’s essential to prioritize collaboration in your work and recognize benefits in the software development process.

Effective communication in software development involves not only bringing information but also listening and understanding others’ perspectives.

This requires active listening, asking questions, open communication, and providing constructive feedback to ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Communication breakdowns can be costly in software development. Misunderstandings can lead to costly rework, missed deadlines, and ultimately, a subpar product. That’s why it’s essential to invest time in building strong communication skills.

Increase time scope

Software development is a complex process that requires a strategic approach. Expanding the time scope will help to think more carefully about the software they are developing, anticipate future challenges, and build a more robust and scalable product.

Rather than seeing the current task as the only priority, you must recognize the broader context in which your work exists. They should consider how their work impacts other areas of the software, the business, and even the end-users. With this, you can avoid costly rework and ensure that the software meets long-term goals.

Team contributions

Encourage every team member to actively participate in meetings, discussions, and decision-making processes. Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, even if they don’t have all the answers.

Diverse teams bring a range of perspectives and ideas that can help solve complex problems and drive innovation. Embrace diversity in all its forms.

Recognize and reward team members for their contributions to the project. This can include acknowledging their contributions in team meetings, publicly recognizing their achievements, or providing opportunities for professional development.

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